



I am writing a server, and I branch each action off into a thread when the request is incoming. I do this because almost every request is a database query. I am using a threadpool library to cut down on construction/destruction of threads.

My question is though - what is a good cutoff point for I/O threads like these? I know it would just be a rough estimate, but are we talking hundreds? thousands?


Thank you all for your responses, it seems like I am just going to have to test it to find out my thread count ceiling. The question is though: how do I know I've hit that ceiling? What exactly should I measure?


As many threads as the CPU cores is what I've heard very often.

This is extremely wrong.
Geoffrey Chetwood
@Rich, at least explain why:-). This rule-of-thumb only applies when all threads are CPU-bound; they get one 'CPU' each. When many of the threads are I/O bound, it's usually better to have many more threads than 'CPU's (CPU is quoted since it applies to physical threads of execution, eg cores).
@Pax: This is not at all how threading works. The number of CPUs has no bearing. Either you need a new thread or not.
Geoffrey Chetwood
You can't run multiple threads on different CPUs/cores in parallel, not in Python! Global Interpreter Lock is there to block it!
@Abgan, I wasn't sure about that, thinking maybe Python would create "real" OS threads (run on multiple CPUs). If what you say is true (I have no reason to doubt), then CPU quantity has no bearing - threading is useful then only when most threads are waiting for something (eg DB I/O).
@Rich: when (real) threading, CPU count DOES have bearing since you can run multiple non-waiting threads truly concurrently. With one CPU, only one runs and the benefit accrues from having many other threads waiting for a non-CPU resource.
@Pax: You don't understand the concept of thread pools then I guess.
Geoffrey Chetwood
@Rich, I understand thread pools fine; it appears I (and others here) also understand hardware better than you. With one CPU, only one execution thread can run, even if there's others waiting for a CPU. Two CPUs, two can run. Iff all threads are waiting for a CPU, ideal thread count is equal to...
...the number of CPUs. When threads are waiting for a non-CPU resource, ideal number is higher.
@Pax: That doesn't handle the problem of a queue for incoming data requests.
Geoffrey Chetwood
@Rich, see my comment to your answer, 'nuff said.
I've heard the same thing. On one of many of Jeffrey Richter's interviews he states the same.
Chuck Conway
lol i got voted down to obvilion. Obviously I didnt know so correct me>
@masfenix: Of course you got downvoted. First of all, your answer makes absolutely /no/ sense in relation to thread pools. Second, your answer makes no sense even in the context of regular threading.
Geoffrey Chetwood
+26  A: 

Measure, don't guess. One suggestion is to make it configurable and initially set it to 100, then release your software to the wild and monitor what happens.

If your thread usage peaks at 3, then 100 is too much. If it remains at 100 for most of the day, bump it up to 200 and see what happens.

You could actually have your code itself monitor usage and adjust the configuration for the next time it starts but that's probably overkill.

EDIT 1 for clarification and elaboration:

Despite the somewhat animated discussions taking part on this question, I still believe this answer to be relevant.

I'm not advocating rolling your own thread pooling subsystem, by all means use the one you have. But, since you were asking about a good cut-off point for threads, I assume your thread pool implementation has the ability to limit the maximum number of threads created (which is a good thing).

I may be assuming too much, but I've written thread and database connection pooling code and they have the following features (which I believe are essential for performance):

  • a minimum number of active threads.
  • a maximum number of threads.
  • shutting down threads that haven't been used for a while.

The first sets a baseline for minimum performance in terms of the thread pool client (this number of threads is always available for use). The second sets a restriction on resource usage by active threads. The third returns you to the baseline in quiet times so as to minimise resource use.

You need to balance the resource usage of having unused threads (A) against the resource usage of not having enough threads to do the work (B).

(A) is generally memory usage since a thread doing no work will not be using much of the CPU. (B) will generally be a delay in the processing of requests as they arrive as you need to wait for a thread to become available.

That's why you measure. As you state, the vast majority of your threads will be waiting for a response from the database so they won't be running. There are two factors that affect how many threads you should allow for.

The first is the number of DB connections available. This may be a hard limit unless you can increase it at the DBMS - I'm going to assume your DBMS can take an unlimited number of connections in this case (although you should ideally be measuring that as well).

Then, the number of threads you should have depend on your historical use. The minimum you should have running is the minimum number that you've ever had running + A%, with an absolute minimum of (for example, and make it configurable just like A) 5.

The maximum number of threads should be your historical maximum + B%.

You should also be monitoring for behaviour changes. If, for some reason, your usage goes to 100% of available for a significant time (so that it would affect the performance of clients), you should bump up the maximum allowed until it's once again B% higher.

EDIT 2 in response to the "what exactly should I measure?" question:

What you should measure specifically is the maximum amount of threads in concurrent use (e.g., waiting on a return from the DB call) under load. Then add a safety factor of 10% for example (emphasised, since other posters seem to take my examples as fixed recommendations).

In addition, this should be done in the production environment for tuning. It's okay to get an estimate beforehand but you never know what production will throw your way (which is why all these things should be configurable at runtime). This is to catch a situation such as unexpected doubling of the client calls coming in.

If threads are spawned on incoming requests then thread-usage will mirror the number of unserviced requests. There's no way to determine the "optimal" number from this.Indeed you will find more threads cause more resource contention and thus the number of active threads will increase.
Andrew Grant
@Andrew, thread creation takes time, and you *can* determine the optimal number based on historical data [+ N%] (hence measure, don't guess). In addition, more threads only cause resource contention when they're doing work, not waiting on a signal/semaphore.
Where is this data on 'thread creation' causing a performance problem when using a thread pool? A good thread pool would not be creating and destroying threads in between tasks.
Geoffrey Chetwood
@Pax If all your threads are waiting on the same semaphores to run DB queries then that's the very definition of contention. It's also not true to say threads don't cost anything if they're waiting on a semaphore.
Andrew Grant
@Andrew, I can't see why'd you'd semaphore-block the DB queries, any decent DB will allow concurrent access, with many threads waiting on the responses. And threads shouldn't cost any *execution time* while semaphore-blocked, they should sit in the blocked queue until the semaphore is released.
I am just extremely glad that servers with similar functionality and behaviors like IIS or Apache would not follow this advice. Just thinking about the mechanics of it is laughable.
Geoffrey Chetwood
Your opinion, Rich, and you seem to be in the minority. Neither of us seems to be going to move on this issue, so let's just agree to leave it there. Arguments become counter-productive at some point, and I think this one has reached that point. Have the last word if you wish, I will not respond.

One thing to consider is how many cores exist on the machine that will be executing the code. That represents a hard limit on how many threads can be proceeding at any given time. However, if, as in your case, threads are expected to be frequently waiting for a database to execute a query, you will probably want to tune your threads based on how many concurrent queries the database can process.

um, no. The whole point of threads was (before multicore and multiple processors became prevalent) is to be able to mimic having multiple processors on a machine that has just one. That's how you get responsive user interfaces-- a main thread and ancillary threads.
@mmr: Um no. The idea of threads is to allow for blocking I/O and other tasks.
Geoffrey Chetwood
The statement I made was that the number of cores on a machine represents a hard limit on the number of threads that can be doing work at a given time, which is a fact. Of course other threads can be waiting on I/O operations to complete, and for this question that is an important consideration.
@ElectricDialect: What you are saying has no relevance to a thread pool.
Geoffrey Chetwood
Anyway - you have GIL in Python, which makes threads only theoretically parallel. No more than 1 thread can run simultaneously, so it's only the responsiveness and blocking operations that matters.
@Rich B -- umm, no. Os/2 was sold as a multithreaded OS because you could have a responsive UI with threads. Blocking I/O is just one aspect of not having a responsive UI; basically, you just agreed with what I said, without having the history to understand it.
@mmr: I would never say what you said because so far you haven't said anything accurate.
Geoffrey Chetwood
@Rich B-- um, what? Have you done any UI coding with serious, hard work done in the background? Blocking I/O is just one task, and there can be many tasks (as you said)-- having a responsive UI means threading when you do those tasks. As for OS/2:
@mmr: Your comments like your answer have nothing at all to do with the topic of thread pools. I am not sure what you don't understand here, but I assure I and most other people here are fully aware of what OS2 is. I must say I am a bit intrigued by the fact you keep referencing it though.
Geoffrey Chetwood
@RichB-- Because I was pointing out the flaw of assuming that the number of threads should be linked to the number of cores (ie, that simultaneous execution is the only value to threads). And I maintain that a thread pool is not the right answer to this problem, but that's just my preference.
@mmr: If you don't think a thread pool is the answer to handling incoming server requests to external I/O, then I guess I have nothing left to say to you. That says it all.
Geoffrey Chetwood
+1 For actually understanding how computers work. @mmr: You need to understand the difference between appears to have multiple processors, and does have multiple processors. @Rich B: A thread pool is just one of many ways to handle a collection of threads. It is a good one, but certainly not the only one.

In most cases you should allow the thread pool to handle this. If you post some code or give more details it might be easier to see if there is some reason the default behavior of the thread pool would not be best.

You can find more information on how this should work here:

Geoffrey Chetwood
@Rich, you appear to be rubbing quite a few people up the wrong way :-). We'll have to let the votes decide, I guess (agree to disagree).
@Pax: This would not be the first time the majority of people didn't want to answer the question at hand (or understand it). I am not worried.
Geoffrey Chetwood

I think this is a bit of a dodge to your question, but why not fork them into processes? My understanding of networking (from the hazy days of yore, I don't really code networks at all) was that each incoming connection can be handled as a separate process, because then if someone does something nasty in your process, it doesn't nuke the entire program.

For Python that's especially true, as multiple processes can run in parallel, while multiple threads - don't. The cost is however quite high. You have to start new Python interpreter each time, and connect to DB with each process (or use some pipes redirection, but it also comes at a price).
Switching between processes is - most of the time - more expensive than switching between threads (whole context switch instead of some registers).At the end it depends heavily on your threading-lib. As the questions revolved around threading, I assume that processes are out of question already.
Fair enough. I'm not sure why that's why I'm getting a -2 ding to the score, though, unless people really want to see thread-only answers, rather than including other answers that work.
@mmr: Considering the question was about /thread/ pools, yes, I think people should be expecting an answer about threads.
Geoffrey Chetwood
Process creation can be done once at startup (ie, a process pool instead of a thread pool). Amortized over the application duration, this may be small. They can't share info easily but it DOES buy them the possibility of running on multi-CPUs so this answer is useful. +1.
@Rich, I've answered many questions about raw JS with the comment "use jQuery" even when they specifically excluded jQuery as an option, the intent being to change their mind. The answer just has to be useful, not 100% relevant.
+3  A: 

If your threads are performing any kind of resource-intensive work (CPU/Disk) then you'll rarely see benefits beyond one or two, and too many will kill performance very quickly.

The 'best-case' is that your later threads will stall while the first ones complete, or some will have low-overhead blocks on resources with low contention. Worst-case is that you start thrashing the cache/disk/network and your overall throughput drops through the floor.

A good solution is to place requests in a pool that are then dispatched to worker threads from a thread-pool (and yes, avoiding continuous thread creation/destruction is a great first step).

The number of active threads in this pool can then be tweaked and scaled based on the findings of your profiling, the hardware you are running on, and other things that may be occurring on the machine.

Andrew Grant
He /is/ running in a pool.
Geoffrey Chetwood
Yes, and it should be used in conjunction with a queue or pool of requests.
Andrew Grant
@Andrew: Why? It should add a task to the thread pool each time it receives a request. It is up to the thread pool to allocate a thread for the task when there is one available.
Geoffrey Chetwood
So what do you do when you have hundreds of requests coming in and are out of threads? Create more? Block? Return an error?Place your requests in a pool that can be as large as need be, and then feed these queued requests to your thread pool as threads become free.
Andrew Grant
@Andrew: Again, your thread pool should be handling this.
Geoffrey Chetwood
"a number of threads are created to perform a number of tasks, which are usually organized in a queue. Typically, there are many more tasks than threads. As soon as a thread completes its task, it will request the next task from the queue until all tasks have been completed."
Geoffrey Chetwood
@Andrew: I am not sure what python thread pool the OP is using, but if you want a real world example of this functionality I am describing:
Geoffrey Chetwood
+2  A: 

As Pax rightly said, measure, don't guess. That what I did for DNSwitness and the results were suprising: the ideal number of threads was much higher than I thought, something like 15,000 threads to get the fastest results.

Of course, it depends on many things, that's why you must measure yourself.

Complete measures (in French only) in Combien de fils d'exécution ?.

15,000? That's a tad higher than I would have expected as well. Still, if that's what you got, then that's what you got, I can't argue with that.
For this specific application, most threads are just waiting a response from the DNS server. So, the more parallelism, the better, in wall-clock time.

ryeguy, I am currently developing a similar application and my threads number is set to 15. Unfortunately if I increase it at 20, it crashes. So, yes, I think the best way to handle this is to measure whether or not your current configuration allows more or less than a number X of threads.

+2  A: 

One thing you should keep in mind is that python (at least the C based version) uses what's called a global interpreter lock that can have a huge impact on performance on mult-core machines.

If you really need the most out of multithreaded python, you might want to consider using Jython or something.

Chad Okere
After reading this, I tried running sieve of Eratosthenes tasks on three threads. Sure enough, it was actually 50% *slower* than running the same tasks in a single thread. Thanks for the heads up. I was running Eclipse Pydev on a virtual machine that was allocated two CPU's. Next, I'll try a scenario that involves some database calls.
Don Kirkby