We have a database running on SQL 2005. One of the store procedure looks up a user's email address from Active Directory using a linked server. The call to the linked server occurs in a database function.
I'm able to call is successfully from my Asp.Net application the first time, but periodically after that, it fails with the following error:
{"The requested operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider \"ADsDSOObject\" for linked server \"ADSI\" does not support the required transaction interface."}
It appears that the amount of time between calling the function affects whether the linked server query will work correctly. I am not using any transactions. When I try calling the function in a quick make-shift SQL script, it runs fine everytime (even when tested in quick succession).
Is there some sort of transaction being left open that naturally dies if I don't try calling the procedure again? I'm at a loss here.
Here is the simple call in the store procedure:
DECLARE @email varchar(50)
SELECT @email = LEFT(mail, 50)
'SELECT mail, sAMAccountName FROM ''LDAP://DC=Katz,DC=COM'' WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''User'''
WHERE sAMAccountName = CAST(@LoginName AS varchar(35))
RETURN @email