Here is source code for multithreaed server and client in python.
In the code client and server closes connection after the job is finished. I want to keep the connections alive and send more data over the same connections to avoid overhead of closing and opening sockets everytime.
What is the best way to do this? I am new to socket programming and threading.
Thanks in advance!!!
Following code is from :
import pickle
import socket
import threading
# We'll pickle a list of numbers:
someList = [ 1, 2, 7, 9, 0 ]
pickledList = pickle.dumps ( someList )
# Our thread class:
class ClientThread ( threading.Thread ):
# Override Thread's __init__ method to accept the parameters needed:
def __init__ ( self, channel, details ): = channel
self.details = details
threading.Thread.__init__ ( self )
def run ( self ):
print 'Received connection:', self.details [ 0 ] ( pickledList )
for x in xrange ( 10 ):
print ( 1024 )
print 'Closed connection:', self.details [ 0 ]
# Set up the server:
server = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
server.bind ( ( '', 2727 ) )
server.listen ( 5 )
# Have the server serve "forever":
while True:
channel, details = server.accept()
ClientThread ( channel, details ).start()
import pickle
import socket
import threading
# Here's our thread:
class ConnectionThread ( threading.Thread ):
def run ( self ):
# Connect to the server:
client = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
client.connect ( ( 'localhost', 2727 ) )
# Retrieve and unpickle the list object:
print pickle.loads ( client.recv ( 1024 ) )
# Send some messages:
for x in xrange ( 10 ):
client.send ( 'Hey. ' + str ( x ) + '\n' )
# Close the connection
# Let's spawn a few threads:
for x in xrange ( 5 ):