Maybe I have made a mistake somewhere, but WinNT://... hasn't worked for domain accounts for me. Additionally, if the user isn't in the same domain as the machine, than PrincipalContext may not find the wanted element (as it searches in the current context, if used as above).
The following should translate the "friendly domain name" as provided by User.Identity.Name to an ldap compliant domain. Using the distinguishName of the domain delivers the needed ldap path information (which has solved my cross domain problem):
(VB.NET, sorry)
Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
Imports System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory
Dim strUserName As String
Dim objDirContext As DirectoryContext
Dim objContext As PrincipalContext
Dim objPrincipal As Principal
Dim strLDAPDomainPath As String
// User.Identity.Name delivers domain\account or account@domain
// Split User.Identity.Name in domain and account as specified above
strDomain = "my_domain"
strAccount = "jdoe"
// Get LDAP domain relative path (distinguishName) from short domain name (e.g. my_domain -> -> DC=us,DC=my_domain,DC=com)
objDirContext = New DirectoryContext(DirectoryContextType.Domain, strDomain)
strLDAPDomainPath = Domain.GetDomain(objDirContext).GetDirectoryEntry.Properties("distinguishedName").Value.ToString
Catch objException As DirectoryServicesCOMException
Throw New Exception("Couldn't get LDAP domain: " & objException.Message)
End Try
// Find user in LDAP
// Nothing results in using current domain controller
objContext = New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, Nothing, strLDAPDomainPath)
objPrincipal = Principal.FindByIdentity(objContext, IdentityType.Name, strAccount)
If Not IsNothing(objPrincipal) Then
strUserName = objPrincipal.DisplayName
End If
Catch objException As Exception
Throw New Exception("Couldn't get user display name: " & objException.Message)
End Try
// strUserName should now contain the wanted full name