The empty function checks for variables that meet a set criteria, from the manual
Returns FALSE if var has a non-empty and non-zero value.
The following things are considered to be empty:
Your $_POST fields actually contain something like this
" ";
This isn't and empty string, but a string that's filled with whitespace characters.
Before using empty(), trim() the white-space from your POSTed values
$trimmed_post = array();
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){
$trimmed_post[$key] = $value;
You don't need to put the new values into a new array, but I'm not a big fan of changing what's in the auto-generated superglobals.
One final note, you can't do something like this
because the empty function expects to be passed an actual variable. You could do something like this instead
if('' != trim($_POST['headline'])){
This is probably the best approach to take. You reduce the number of functions that you need to call, users can post entries with a value of 0, and the code is more explicit about what it does. Another form you'll see is
This works because PHP evaluates an empty string ('') as false, and a non empty string as true. I tend to avoid this form because I've found a lot of PHP bugs crop up around misunderstandings on how the equality operators get boolean values out of certain types. Being explicit helps reduce occurrences of these types of bugs.