



Does anybody know if there is some sort of bug or issue with the webBrowser activex control in .NET applications, in this case the embedded browser loads a web page that depends on javascript to play music previews. It works once but if you navigate to a new page in the system it stops working.

Viewing the same site in just a normal IE browser results in no errors at all (tested on several systems of various types).


Which version of .net are you using?

Also which OS?

Ive noticed within Vista that Java applets <applet> tags causes catastrophic issues. I believe this is due to it using Microsoft JVM for its java processing, which happens to be unsupported now. This does not occur in XP from what ive seen


It happens on several different OS's, XP 32 and 64 bit, Vista, Windows 7.

Its also not a java applet, just jQuery and the longtail video player with some JS to bind a preview link to the player. Im very confused as to why it works sometimes but not others.

Its also a large live system and getting lots of complaints.


The web browser control uses the same shell as the installed version of Internet Explorer, but in my experience, the full browser handles things more gracefully.

It is worth adding some debug to the JavaScript to see where the problem is - is it because longtail isn't registering as loaded, so no events are binding or is it because of a problem with the events.
