




Say I have an interface IFoo, and I want all subclasses of IFoo to override Object's ToString method. Is this possible?

Simply adding the method signature to IFoo as such doesn't work:

interface IFoo
    String ToString();

...since all the subclasses extend Object and provide an implementation that way, so the compiler doesn't complain about it. Any suggestions?

Edit: fixed title

+11  A: 

I don't believe you can do it with an interface. You can use an abstract base class though:

public abstract class Base
    public abstract override string ToString(); 
Jon Skeet
I was hoping stick with interfaces since I've already gotten them written, guess I'll have to bite the bullet and switch abstract classes. Thanks.
+12  A: 
abstract class Foo
    public override abstract string ToString();

class Bar : Foo
    // need to override ToString()
Andrew Peters
Question was "can I do this with an interface?", not "how do I do this?", but thanks anyway.

I don't think you can force any sub-class to override any of the base-class's virtual methods unless those methods are abstract.


Implementing an interface method implicitly seals the method (as well as overriding it). So, unless you tell it otherwise, the first implementation of an interface ends the override chain in C#.

Essential .NET

Abstract class = your friend

Check this question

Ric Tokyo

You can override in a subclass but there are some gotchas.

interface IFoo
    void Bar();

class Foo : IFoo
    public void Bar()
        //Do some stuff

class SubFoo : Foo, IFoo
    void IFoo.Bar()
        //Do some other stuff

class UseFoo
    Foo foo;
    SubFoo subFoo;
    IFoo iFoo;

        subFoo.Bar(); //CAUTION: Actually calls foo.Bar();
        iFoo = subFoo;
        iFoo.Bar(); //Calls the overridden version of Bar();

credit goes to this guy:


good luck!


Jon & Andrew: That abstract trick is really useful; I had no idea you could end the chain by declaring it as abstract. Cheers :)

In the past when I've required that ToString() be overriden in derived classes, I've always used a pattern like the following:

public abstract class BaseClass
    public abstract string ToStringImpl();

    public override string ToString()
        return ToStringImpl();
Mark Simpson