



This is the situation:

I have a Trigger.dll and a Trigger.XmlSerializer.dll.

I use CREATE ASSEMBLY to register them in MSSQL.

Now, I have compiled new versions of both.

I want to use ALTER ASSEMBLY to update them, however you can only update one at a time. If you try to update one that has a dependency, it complains. What's the trick to doing this?

I don't want to drop and recreate as I have to then drop all the triggers, etc. and there is database downtime.


I fear dropping the table and re-creating it is the only way.

The main reason for this is that values stored in a type in an assembly, are unusable if you update the assembly to a new version.

Frans Bouma
+1  A: 

according to the microsoft support you can use it by trick.


  • These steps upgrade or downgrade assembly A in the scenario that was described in the "How to upgrade or downgrade an assembly" section.
  • This example assumes that the versions of the two assemblies are both and the assemblies are both written in C#. When you follow these steps, you try to upgrade assembly A and assembly B to version

To upgrade or downgrade assembly A, follow these steps.

  1. Back up version of assembly B to a folder.
  2. Modify and then recompile assembly B to version
  3. Use the ALTER ASSEMBLY statement to upgrade assembly B in SQL Server 2005.
  4. Modify and then recompile assembly A to version When you do this, reference version of assembly B from the backup that you made in step 1. To do this, use the Csc.exe compiler tool together with the /reference switch. For example, use the following command: csc /target:library /out:AssemblyA.dll AssemblyA.cs AssemblyInfo.cs /reference:"BackupFolder\AssemblyB.dll" Note To verify the version of assembly B in the metadata of assembly A, open assembly A by using the Ildasm.exe utility. Then, verify the metadata information for the referenced assembly under the MANIFEST section.
  5. Use the ALTER ASSEMBLY statement to upgrade assembly A in SQL Server 2005.
Hmmm what an annoyance :(
Chris KL
I guess that's the best answer I'm gonna get!
Chris KL