




My intuition was

Lorem ipsum\footnote{long footnote
  that spans a whole
  bunch of

But regardless of where I put the { and } in relation to the footnote text, I get the following error:

Latex Error: ./mydoc.tex:142 Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:― not set up for use with LaTeX.
+3  A: 

The error you're getting indicates there's a coding setup issue. Googling the error message suggests you may be running TexShop, or you need to install latex unicode support. use

apt-get latex-ucs

or something similar and try it again.

Charlie Martin
+4  A: 

Footnotes are filled in the availible space just like any other paragraph: you just write

    a whole lot of text that goes on and on and on and...
    and may consists of multiple sentences. But after a while
    it finally comes to a stop.

That is not your problem. looking at the error message (which I don't recognize from personal experience), I'd say your problem is character set or font related.

Is you editor using unicode?

it was a random UTF-8 character in my footnote source -- stupid copy and paste.
James A. Rosen
Now, of course, I _want_ some unicode in my document and I can't seem to get it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
James A. Rosen
I think you want Charlie's advice for that...