




I have a generic class, but I want my type to be forced to inherit from either one or the other interface. For example:

public class MyGeneric<T> where T : IInterface1, IInterface2 {}

The above will force T to inherti from both IInterface1 and IInterface2 but can I force T to inhert from IInterface1 OR IInterface2 (or both)?


No, you can't do this. It simply doesn't make sense.

The best you could do would be to create 2 empty subclasses of your generic class, and make the generic class abstract. Like this:

abstract class MyGenericClass<T>

public class MyClass1<T> : MyGenericClass<T>, IInterface1
{ }

public class MyClass2<T> : MyGenericClass<T>, IInterface2
{ }
Orion Edwards
+3  A: 

Define a base interface -- it doesn't even have to have any members and let both Interface1 and Interface2 extend it. Then scope T to be of the base interface type. This only works if you want to have the generic derive from your interfaces, not any of the existing ones in the framework.

public interface BaseInterface

public interface Interface1 : BaseInterface
    void SomeMethod();

public interface Interface2 : BaseInterface
    void SomeOtherMethod();

public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : BaseInterface

var myClass1 = new MyGenericClass<Interface1>();

var myClass2 = new MyGenericClass<Interface2>();