



I am in the process of porting a Delphi 2006 app to Delphi 2009. Out of the box support for unicode has been easy - almost no work required. Most 3rd party controls already have Delphi 2009 updates available.

Rave Reports (latest version 7.6.1, available here) has also been updated, but I cannot seem to get it to correctly display RTF text containing Japanese characters. In Delphi 2006, I loaded RTF to the DataMemo component in a RVCustomConnection's OnGetRow event by reading the RTF from a screen control (TLMDRichEdit) using streams and then doing a CustomConnection.WriteBlobData.

In the report output, any RTF text now shows up as a series of rectanges and % signs. No readable text. All other text (displayed using Text and DataText components) displays correctly.

Does anyone have any experience on how to get RTF containing unicode to display correctly? Is it even supported?


Unless someone from Nevrona cares to comment, I am concluding that it is not (yet) possible.

Ryan Bates

Even without unicode the RTF printing in Rave reports is broken (adds rectangles at the end of the lines). New version 7.6.2 has not fixed this,,,

F&^%ing pathetic from Codegear (or what is it called now) and Nevrona...

I ended up using FastReports. It was quick and painless to change over to it, and it is Unicode friendly.
Ryan Bates

I run the evaluation copy - any one able to share a link to the 7.6.2?



I have delphi 2010 and rave 7.7 The Rave has some bugs. How I can change to 7.6 version for delphi 2010?