



I have read somewhere recently something related to the kind of computers.

The reading was related to Lisp and Emacs that fit into an "architectural" model more like a Turing Machine.

In the other hand it was C and the "other" architectural model was named after someone whose name I don't remember, but named as the most successful type of computer because that's what we all use nowadays ( that is cpu + ram + hd + etc etc ).

What's the name of that type of computer if it is not a turing machine ( that afaik is an abstract model rather than a physical )


+14  A: 

I think you're thinking of the Von Neumann architecture. Though most modern computers use the Von Neumann architecture, there's also the similar Harvard architecture that is still Turing-complete, but which separates the instructions being executed and the data being read and written to.

Kyle Cronin
I make a living writing code for Harvard architecture 8051 based systems. The 8051s are fairly modern, they run at up to 50 mips, support branch prediction and have read-ahead RAM cache. IIRC, AVR and PICs are Harvard too.So, I'd say "Most modern computers use Von Neumann architecture" instead.
You're right. I fixed it
Kyle Cronin
+3  A: 

Do you mean the Von Neumann architecture?

Aram Verstegen
Haha, redundant by 37 seconds.
Aram Verstegen
That one!!.. Thank you