



I'm interested in executing powershell scripts on a computer behind a firewall. What ports will I need to have open? Will any special configuration be needed or I'll be just be able to connect to a fresh install of Windows Server 2008 r2 and start executing my scripts?


What ports you need open is entirely dependent on what you plan to be doing in your scripts.

Geoffrey Chetwood
+5  A: 

PowerShell 2 will do remoting over WinRM (WinRM is already available, since Windows 2003 R2, IIRC). WinRM is just SOAP over HTTP[S]. So the port is 80 by default, 443 for SSL by default.

Here's a quick overview on PS2 remoting, and one on WinRM for 2003.

To clarify that PowerShell v2 will also require WinRM 2 (currently in CTP also). Windows Server 2008, for example, is bundled with WinRM 1.1, but WinRM 2 must be used to fully integrate with PowerShell v2.
Marco Shaw
+6  A: 

MichaelGG got it right - all you need to do is use the native remoting available in PowerShell V2. It gives you a crazy degree of control over networking all using the WS-MAN protocol (that is a standard management protocol which is implemented by our WINRM service).

The way the V2 remoting works is that you can invoke a command (single command, pipeline, set of commands, or entire script) on a remote machine(s) and specify how you want that command to run.

e.g. Invoke-Command {get-process} -Computername (cat servers.txt)

    (1)-ScriptBlock | -Command <ScriptBlock>
    (0)[-ComputerName | -Cn <String[]>]
       [-ApplicationName <String>]
       [-ArgumentList | -Args <Object[]>]
       [-AsJob ]
       [-Authentication <Basic | Credssp | Default | Digest | Kerberos | Negotiate | NegotiateWithImplicitCredential>]
       [-CertificateThumbprint <String>]
       [-ConfigurationName <String>]
       [-Credential <PSCredential>]
       [-HideComputerName | -HCN ]
       [-InputObject <PSObject> (ByValue)]
       [-JobName <String>]
       [-Port <1->]
       [-SessionOption <System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSSessionOption>]
       [-ThrottleLimit <Int>]
       [-UseSSL ]

You can also provide SessionOptions

       [-NoEncryption ]
       [-OperationTimeout <0->]
       [-ProxyAccessType <ProxyAutoDetect | ProxyIEConfig | ProxyNoProxyServer | ProxyWinHttpConfig>]
       [-ProxyAuthentication <Basic | Digest | Negotiate>]
       [-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>]
       [-SkipCACheck ]
       [-SkipCNCheck ]
       [-SkipRevocationCheck ]
       [-SPNPort <0->]
       [-UseUTF16 ]

           [-NoEncryption ]
           [-OperationTimeout <0->]
           [-ProxyAccessType <ProxyAutoDetect | ProxyIEConfig | ProxyNoProxyServer | ProxyWinHttpConfig>]
           [-ProxyAuthentication <Basic | Digest | Negotiate>]
           [-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>]
           [-SkipCACheck ]
           [-SkipCNCheck ]
           [-SkipRevocationCheck ]
           [-SPNPort <0->]
           [-UseUTF16 ]

As you can see, you can specify how to traverse proxies, you can provide one set of credentials to the proxy and a different set of credentials to the endpoint. All that said, the simple case is that you don't specify anything and we'll use port 80.

Experiment! Enjoy! Engage!

Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows Management Partner Architect

Jeffrey Snover - MSFT

The default ports used for WS-Management and PowerShell remoting have been changed to 5985 an 5986 for connections over HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.

More details at Windows Management Infrstructure blog -
