



Hey, I'm using Levenshteins algorithm to get distance between source and target string.

also I have method which returns value from 0 to 1:

/// <summary>
/// Gets the similarity between two strings.
/// All relation scores are in the [0, 1] range, 
/// which means that if the score gets a maximum value (equal to 1) 
/// then the two string are absolutely similar
/// </summary>
/// <param name="string1">The string1.</param>
/// <param name="string2">The string2.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static float CalculateSimilarity(String s1, String s2)
    if ((s1 == null) || (s2 == null)) return 0.0f;

    float dis = LevenshteinDistance.Compute(s1, s2);
    float maxLen = s1.Length;
    if (maxLen < s2.Length)
        maxLen = s2.Length;
    if (maxLen == 0.0F)
        return 1.0F;
    else return 1.0F - dis / maxLen;

but this for me is not enough. Because I need more complex way to match two sentences.

For example I want automatically tag some music, I have original song names, and i have songs with trash, like super, quality, years like 2007, 2008, etc..etc.. also some files have just http://trash..thash..song_name_mp3.mp3, other are normal. I want to create an algorithm which will work just more perfect than mine now.. Maybe anyone can help me?

here is my current algo:

/// <summary>
/// if we need to ignore this target.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetString">The target string.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool doIgnore(String targetString)
    if ((targetString != null) && (targetString != String.Empty))
        for (int i = 0; i < ignoreWordsList.Length; ++i)
            //* if we found ignore word or target string matching some some special cases like years (Regex).
            if (targetString == ignoreWordsList[i] || (isMatchInSpecialCases(targetString))) return true;

   return false;

/// <summary>
/// Removes the duplicates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">The list.</param>
private void removeDuplicates(List<String> list)
    if ((list != null) && (list.Count > 0))
        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count - 1; ++i)
            if (list[i] == list[i + 1])

/// <summary>
/// Does the fuzzy match.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetTitle">The target title.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private TitleMatchResult doFuzzyMatch(String targetTitle)
    TitleMatchResult matchResult = null;

   if (targetTitle != null && targetTitle != String.Empty)
           //* change target title (string) to lower case.
           targetTitle = targetTitle.ToLower();

           //* scores, we will select higher score at the end.
           Dictionary<Title, float> scores = new Dictionary<Title, float>();

           //* do split special chars: '-', ' ', '.', ',', '?', '/', ':', ';', '%', '(', ')', '#', '\"', '\'', '!', '|', '^', '*', '[', ']', '{', '}', '=', '!', '+', '_'
           List<String> targetKeywords = new List<string>(targetTitle.Split(ignoreCharsList, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

          //* remove all trash from keywords, like super, quality, etc..
           targetKeywords.RemoveAll(delegate(String x) { return doIgnore(x); });
          //* sort keywords.
        //* remove some duplicates.

        //* go through all original titles.
        foreach (Title sourceTitle in titles)
            float tempScore = 0f;
            //* split orig. title to keywords list.
            List<String> sourceKeywords = new List<string>(sourceTitle.Name.Split(ignoreCharsList, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

            //* go through all source ttl keywords.
            foreach (String keyw1 in sourceKeywords)
                float max = float.MinValue;
                foreach (String keyw2 in targetKeywords)
                    float currentScore = StringMatching.StringMatching.CalculateSimilarity(keyw1.ToLower(), keyw2);
                    if (currentScore > max)
                        max = currentScore;
                tempScore += max;

            //* calculate average score.
            float averageScore = (tempScore / Math.Max(targetKeywords.Count, sourceKeywords.Count)); 

            //* if average score is bigger than minimal score and target title is not in this source title ignore list.
            if (averageScore >= minimalScore && !sourceTitle.doIgnore(targetTitle))
                //* add score.
                scores.Add(sourceTitle, averageScore);

        //* choose biggest score.
        float maxi = float.MinValue;
        foreach (KeyValuePair<Title, float> kvp in scores)
            if (kvp.Value > maxi)
                maxi = kvp.Value;
                matchResult = new TitleMatchResult(maxi, kvp.Key, MatchTechnique.FuzzyLogic);
    catch { }
//* return result.
return matchResult;

This works normally but just in some cases, a lot of titles which should match, does not match... I think I need some kind of formula to play with weights and etc, but i can't think of one..

Ideas? Suggestions? Algos?

by the way I already know this topic (My colleague already posted it but we cannot come with a proper solution for this problem.):

+3  A: 

It sounds like what you want may be a longest substring match. That is, in your example, two files like

trash..thash..song_name_mp3.mp3 and garbage..spotch..song_name_mp3.mp3

would end up looking the same.

You'd need some heuristics there, of course. One thing you might try is putting the string through a soundex converter. Soundex is the "codec" used to see if things "sound" the same (as you might tell a telephone operator). It's more or less a rough phonetic and mispronunciation semi-proof transliteration. It is definitely poorer than edit distance, but much, much cheaper. (The official use is for names, and only uses three characters. There's no reason to stop there, though, just use the mapping for every character in the string. See wikipedia for details)

So my suggestion would be to soundex your strings, chop each one into a few length tranches (say 5, 10, 20) and then just look at clusters. Within clusters you can use something more expensive like edit distance or max substring.

Levenshtein's distance (already being used) is a better algorithm here than a phonetic one like soundex, which also only looks at the start of a word.

Your problem here may be distinguishing between noise words and useful data:

  • Rolling_Stones.Best_of_2003.Wild_Horses.mp3
  • Super.Quality.Wild_Horses.mp3
  • Tori_Amos.Wild_Horses.mp3

You may need to produce a dictionary of noise words to ignore. That seems clunky, but I'm not sure there's an algorithm that can distinguish between band/album names and noise.

I have bands list, I'm ignoring them in keywords.
Lukas Šalkauskas

There's a lot of work done on somewhat related problem of DNA sequence alignment (search for "local sequence alignment") - classic algorithm being "Needleman-Wunsch" and more complex modern ones also easy to find. The idea is - similar to Greg's answer - instead of identifying and comparing keywords try to find longest loosely matching substrings within long strings.

That being sad, if the only goal is sorting music, a number of regular expressions to cover possible naming schemes would probably work better than any generic algorithm.


Look at It does exactly what you want.
