



Question regarding how to setup dbase relationships (newbie, this may be trivial)

Followed the django tutorial (Poll, Choices); understood that 1 Poll has many Choice(s), therefore many Choice(s) point to a single Poll.

   class Poll(models.Model):
      question = models.CharField(max_length=200)

   class Choice(models.Model):
      poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)

Question: I have a database with places, persons, etc. (mutiple tables). A subset of my tables have a similar field. I want a place to have 1+ phone_number(s). I want a person to have 1+ phone_number(s). I may want other tables to have 1+ phone_number(s).

If I followed the Poll/Choice approach, then my problem is indicated by the question marks shown below under PhoneNumber.

   class Person(models.Model):
      firstname = models.CharField(max_length=20)

   class Place(models.Model):
      description = models.CharField(max_length=200)

   class PhoneNumber(models.Model):
      ??? = models.ForeignKey(???)

I have considered using inheritance so that both Person and Place inherit from the same base class. But I may have other fields besides phone_number for which I have a similar situation, and which span a different subset of tables. E.g.

               phone_number(s)     comments
               ---------------     --------
Person         yes                 no
Place          yes                 yes
Contract       no                  yes

Any advice on how to correctly design these types of relationships would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

+1  A: 

I think you're looking for Generic Relations. Also here

hasen j
thanks for the reply - I am reading the docs.
cool, if it remains unclear to you, you can update your question and let us know where you're stumbling.
hasen j
hasen, i read the docs, used the generic relations approach, and it solved my problem. thanks again.

check ContenType app, and specifically Generic Relations. basically, you store both the type and id of the person/place object on the PhoneNumber object.

as with the first answer, thank you for the reply - I am reading the ContentType documentation.