



When updating a datatable from a "select * from sometable", I am iterating the columns in the datatable to dynamically create an update or insert statement, based on datatable.rowstate and DataTable.PrimaryKey.

However, I can't seem to find any property that indicates whether a column is a TimeStamp in SQL Server and must therefore be ignored in the update statement!!!


I would say that you would need to know the row types ahead of time. Unless you wrote an SQL script that did a describe on the table you are copying from and looked for a timestamp format.

I'm trying to figure out a way to do it, not a confirmation that you don't know how to do it.

Try using the GetSchemaTable method of the SqlDataReader class. It will return metadata for each column. The specific properties you'll be interested in are DataTypeName and isRowVersion.

string sql = "SELECT * FROM SomeTable";
using ( SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection ())
   cn.ConnectionString = "Your Connection String";
   cn.Open ();
   using ( SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ( sql, cn ) )
      SqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior.KeyInfo );
      dataReader.Read ();

      DataTable dt = dataReader.GetSchemaTable ();
      foreach ( DataRow r in dt.Rows )
        Console.WriteLine ( "Column name: {0}\t Data Type: {1}\t IsRowVersion:{2}", r["ColumnName"].ToString (), r["DataTypeName"].ToString (), r["isRowVersion"].ToString() );

Tim Lentine