



I have a table with a row that looks like this:

(2009123148498429, '...', '...')

The first part, id, is a timestamp followed by a random number. (needed to work with other parts in the system) The data already exists in the table.

I want to create a column, timestamp, and extract just the date (20091231) and update all the rows with the timestamp.

  1. How can I do this for all the rows with SQL? (i.e. update them all with some sort of a function?)
  2. What kind of default value should I assign the column to make sure that future inserts correctly extract the date?

UPDATE - Please read the comments by bobince in the first answered question by Jonathan Sampson on how we got to the answer. This is the final query that worked:

UPDATE table SET rdate=substring(convert(rid,char(20)),1,8);

The problem was that I was using substring as substring( str, 0, 8 ) whereas it should be substring( str, 1, 8 ). I guess we're all used to 0 as the beginning position! More info here on substring

Related to: multiple updates in mysql

+2  A: 
SELECT SUBSTRING(colDate,0,8) as 'date' 
FROM someTable

Or am I mistaken?

UPDATE someTable
SET newDateField = SUBSTRING(colDate,0,8)

Would likely work too. Untested.

Jonathan Sampson
...I also want to be able to insert it right back into the table. In all the rows.
The UPDATE option I added might help there.
Jonathan Sampson
This is not working. I keep getting "query returned no resultset". Could it be because the 'colDate' (i.e. 2009123148498429) is stored as a BIGINT and not a string?
+1. I don't understand why people are jumping straight for the sub-selects in what would appear to be, unless I've missed something, an absolutely straightforward UPDATE task.
Try colDate/100000000 instead.
Ben Alpert
@Ben: the length of the random number that doesn't work.
Ah OK, if you need int to string use CONVERT. You get a free truncate whilst you're at it: “SET newDateField = CONVERT(colDate, CHAR(8))”
A new error now with CONVERT(colDate, CHAR(8)): Truncated incorrect char(8) value:'200910101...'
+1  A: 

Use a sub-select in your update (untested, and I've been using Firebird for too long, so someone check me here).

UPDATE MyTable AS TUpdate
SET MyNewField = (SELECT SUBSTRING(TSub.MyDateColumn,0,8) 
                  FROM MyTable AS TSub 
                  WHERE TSub.MyID = TUpdate.MyID);

As for future inserts correctly extracting the date, you're going to have to create a trigger on insert to extract the date for that record.

Not working either. I am getting complaints about using AS in the FROM clause...which is peculiar. Maybe they aren't allowed in UPDATE statements?
That's odd, but you could try without. It might be able to disambiguate the table in the sub-select from TUpdate if you can get the TUpdate alias to work...

Need to use a subselect.

UPDATE someTable set timestamp = (SELECT SUBSTRING(colData, 0, 8) FROM someOriginalTable);

EDIT lc got me by a few seconds!

   newDateField = SUBSTRING(CAST(sourceCol AS varchar), 0, 8)
Chris Hynes