





Has anyone managed to get DocBook content output to webhelp that does not use a java applet? We are currently designing a web application that uses Ext JS and want to output the DocBook XML content into a format that can be used in parallel with our app (i.e. no Java applets).

It is the desire of our management that we stick with DocBook but we need a platform independent integrated help output (not .chm) that can be integrated with our webapp.

Any recommendations, suggestions and advice would be appreciated.



Have you looked at Adobe RoboHelp? Fairly positive it's platform independent.

Steve -Cutter- Blades

Hi there, I'm answering this after more than a year, but some may find this useful.

Under Google Summer of Code program, we created a WebHelp output format for DocBook. It does not rely on java-applets nor on frameset-based approach. It is pure css, JavaScript based so, it most probably fulfill your requirements. This is more search-engine friendly, as this does not rely on frame-sets.

Following links will give you a idea.

The demo is available here: http://www.thingbag.net/docbook/gsoc2010/doc/content/ch01.html The documentation for WebHelp is included in the demo. You can download a beta version of the package from there.

Final release notes are at: DocBook WebHelp Project

SVN location: http://docbook.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/docbook/branches/webhelp/xsl/webhelp/

The proposal is at: Proposal for WebHelp output for DocBook.

Sorry for the huge no. of links. Contact us on DocBook mailing list if you need further help.
