I have an object (Incident) which has a child object (Action). An Incident may have zero or or one Action objects. I'm attempting to test whether the Incident object has a child Action object with the following code:
If Not MyIncident.Action Is Nothing
In theory this should work but for some reason the child Action object is mysteriously intantiated (with no values). This instantiation seems to happen on the Else line of an If Else statement where I check the ID property of the Incident object to work out whether it has been saved to the database or not:
If MyIncident.ID = 0 Then
Me.cmdAddNote.Visible = False
Me.dgvNotes.Visible = False
Me.cmdAddNote.Visible = True
If Not MyIncident.Action Is Nothing Then
Me.cboCorrectiveActionStatus.SelectedValue = Me.MyIncident.Action.Status.ID
End If
End If
MyIncident.Action is Nothing on the first line of the If statement but seems to be instantiated between this and the Else line (in this example only the else case would be executed).
The Action object is otherwise instantiated if required when the Incident object is populated, if the Incident object does not have an associated Action then the Action object is explicitly left uninstantiated.
I was hoping to base some logic on whether the Action object is nothing or not but it does not seem to be a reliable check.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Note: apologies but the code sample does not seem to want to mark-up properly!