There's two considerations. The obvious one is how big is your array going to get? If it's less than a few dozen elements, then size is not a factor (unless you're micro-optimizing for some rapidly called function, but you'd have to do some memory profiling to prove that first).
That's the easy part. The oft overlooked second consideration is the interface. How is the returned array going to be used? This is important because whole array dereferencing is kinda awful in Perl. For example:
for my $info (@{ getInfo($some, $args) }) {
That's ugly. This is much better.
for my $info ( getInfo($some, $args) ) {
It also lends itself to mapping and grepping.
my @info = grep { ... } getInfo($some, $args);
But returning an array ref can be handy if you're going to pick out individual elements:
my $address = getInfo($some, $args)->[2];
That's simpler than:
my $address = (getInfo($some, $args))[2];
my @info = getInfo($some, $args);
my $address = $info[2];
But at that point, you should question whether @info is truly a list or a hash.
my $address = getInfo($some, $args)->{address};
What you should not do is have getInfo()
return an array ref in scalar context and an array in list context. This muddles the traditional use of scalar context as array length which will surprise the user.
Finally, I will plug my own module, Method::Signatures, because it offers a compromise for passing in array references without having to use the array ref syntax.
use Method::Signatures;
method foo(\@args) {
print "@args"; # @args is not a copy
push @args, 42; # this alters the caller array
my @nums = (1,2,3);
Class->foo(\@nums); # prints 1 2 3
print "@nums"; # prints 1 2 3 42
This is done through the magic of Data::Alias.