



The html documentation generated by doxygen for enums lists the enum to the left and the documentation to the right. However I need quite detailed documentation for each value and some of the names are very long thus making the right column with the documentation appear far out to the right and it looks very bad. Is there no possibility to make the documentation for each value appear below or above the value instead of to the right ?


With doxygen 1.5.5, I didn't succeed in reproducing the behaviour you describes. I get an enum documentation similar to a param list documentation.

What I observe is consistent with the Doxygen documentation for \enum command and its rendering.

Yes it's consistent, I just wonder if it can be changed because the default behavior does not work well in my situation. In the example rendering (the link that you provided) you can see that the documentation for the enum itself is on top while for the values the documentation is to the right.
I've tried again and, thanks to your comment, I now understand the problem. From the Doxygen example I've added a long V3V3V3... to AnotherEnum. The behaviour is exactly as you describe. Unfortunately I know no workaround.

I also can not reproduce this. Can you post the enum and its associated comments with the doxyfile (doxygen config) ? Perhaps a pastebin URL?

Tim Post
The length of the longest enum value name is around 50 characters, while the documentation for some of the values are rather lenghty, preferably some of them could even contain \code \endcode sections. So if you want to reproduce just use very long enum value names and a lot of documentaion.