Is it possible to save an ArrayList of custom objects to the application user settings without resorting to custom serialization?
For example, given a basic data class containing only public get/set properties and private backing fields:
class SimpleClass()
When I run the following in code, and then restart the application, the ArrayList setting named MyList is always null, ie it was not saved.
if (Properties.Settings.Default.MyList==null)
Properties.Settings.Default.MyList=new ArrayList();
Properties.Settings.Default.MyList.Add(new SimpleClass(DateTime.Now.ToString()));
I realise that an ArrayList is not typed, ie. it holds a collection of objects. However it is simple to use GetType() on each object to determine the actual type. This should allow serialization to occur, shouldn't it?
I also know how to get around this performing some custom serialization. It's just a pain this doesn't appear to work as it would be by far the most convenient for simpler situations.
Any ideas?