The UNIX "/usr/bin/script" command will create a running transcript of your shell session (see "man script" for more info).
However, when inside a script instance, it seems to forget the parent shell's env vars, aliases, etc.
The following example demonstrates how the "ll" alias I define is ignored inside "script":
zsh> mkdir temp
zsh> cd temp
zsh> alias "ll=ls -alF"
zsh> ll
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 2 me mygroup 4096 Feb 18 13:32 ./
drwxr-xr-x 28 me mygroup 8192 Feb 18 13:32 ../
zsh> script a.out
Script started, file is a.out
$ ll
zsh: command not found: ll
$ exit
Script done, file is a.out
zsh> ll
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 2 me mygroup 4096 Feb 18 13:32 ./
drwxr-xr-x 28 me mygroup 8192 Feb 18 13:32 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 me mygroup 182 Feb 18 13:32 a.out
So, how can I get the "script" process to inherit the env settings from the parent shell?
[EDIT:] Okay, env vars are not forgotten. Just the aliases. Re-sourcing the .profile or something would work... but how can I make that happen automatically?