I'm trying to figure out how to locate all occurrences of a url in a database. I want to search all tables and all fields. But I have no idea where to start or if it's even possible.
Not an elegant solution, but you could achieve it with a nested looping structure
// select tables from database and store in an array
// loop through the array
foreach table in database
// select columns in the table and store in an array
// loop through the array
foreach column in table
// select * from table where column = url
You could probably speed this up by checking which columns contain strings while building your column array, and also by combining all the columns per table in one giant, comma-separated WHERE clause.
Scott gives a good example of how to do it, but the question is why would you want to? If you need to do a find-and-replace on a specific string, you could also try doing a mysqldump of your database, do a find-and-replace in an editor, then re-load the database.
Maybe if you gave some background on what you are trying to achieve, others might be able to provide better answers.
A simple solution would be doing something like this:
mysqldump -u myuser --no-create-info databasename > myfile.sql
Then you can just do a find on myfile.sql for the URL you want.
Brute force method
declare @url varchar(255)
set @url = 'stackoverflow.com'
select 'select * from ' + rtrim(tbl.name) + ' where ' +
rtrim(col.name) + ' like %' + rtrim(@url) + '%'
from sysobjects tbl
inner join syscolumns col on tbl.id = col.id
and col.xtype in (167, 175, 231, 239) -- (n)char and (n)varchar, there may be others to include
and col.length > 30 -- arbitrary min length into which you might store a URL
where tbl.type = 'U' -- user defined table
This will create a script that you could execute on the database.
select * from table1 where col1 like '%stackoverflow.com%'
select * from table1 where col2 like '%stackoverflow.com%'
select * from table2 where col3 like '%stackoverflow.com%'
I am looking for the same solutuion. He could be asking for the same reason as me - my database has been hacked and every link in my admin back office takes me to the hakers page rendering my admin area useless.
I was looking for the same but couldn't find it, so I make a small script in PHP, you can find it at: http://tequilaphp.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/searching-strings-in-a-database-and-files/
Good luck! (I remove some private code, let me know if I didn't break it in the process :D)