



I want to make my program robust by putting concurrency check, but somehow UpdateCommand fails me even in the most basic update sql. Using Npgsql 2.0.2

var dax = new NpgsqlDataAdapter();
using (var dtStore = delta.Tables["brand"].GetChanges(DataRowState.Modified))
if (dtStore != null)
    dax.UpdateCommand = new NpgsqlCommand(
@"update brand set abbrev = abbrev WHERE 1 = 0", c, tx);

    Console.WriteLine("src {0}", dtStore.Rows.Count); // 1
    Console.WriteLine("updated {0}", dax.Update(dtStore)); // 1

    // doesn't report any error, but it should show DBConcurrencyException error right?


preloadreader=true on NpgsqlConnection string fixed the problem

clue found here:

But i found a warning on other sites about preloadreader. "Similarly using PreloadReader option in Npgsql is less performant and scales badly to large resultsets."

Francisco Figueiredo jr. what's your thoughts on this?


the problem is fixed in Npgsql 2.0.5, don't need the preloadreader anymore in connection string. kudos to Figueiredo and other coders behind Npgsql project.