I'm writing a WCF service to replace a current web service, and I'm having trouble with one of the legacy complex types that I need to return.
Unfortunately I can't touch any of the code but looking at them all the classes are Serializable and the current web service is using it with no problem.
Whenever my client calls the WCF service it gets a Communication Exception and when I turned on tracing for WCF here's the serialization error I found:
Type 'Common.Permission.ApplicationGroup' with data contract name 'ApplicationGroup:http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Common.Permission' is not expected. Add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
The type I want to return is ApplicationPrincipal, but it seems to be falling over at a child type. Here's how these classes look:
The type I want to return:
public class ApplicationPrincipal :
IPrincipal, ISupportInitialize, IDeserializationCallback, IFormattable
private ApplicationIdentity m_identity;
private ApplicationGroupCollection m_groups;
private ConditionDictionary m_roleConditions;
and here's ApplicationGroupCollection:
public class ApplicationGroupCollection :
IList, IEnumerable, IFormattable, ISupportInitialize,
IDeserializationCallback, ICloneable, ICustomTypeDescriptor
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when a value is being changed in the collection.
/// </summary>
public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanging;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when a value has been changed in the collection.
/// </summary>
public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged;
and finally, ApplicationGroup:
public class ApplicationGroup :
ICloneable, ISupportInitialize, IDeserializationCallback, IFormattable
private int m_groupID;
private string m_groupName;
private string m_groupDesc;
private ConditionDictionary m_roleConditions;
Any suggestions as to why WCF is not able to serialize ApplicationGroup?