



I have an application that is built as a Windows Service and a c# library assembly (.dll.) In order to manage and maintain this service, I'd like to add the ability to run a command-line application that tells the last time the service archived files, the next time it's scheduled to do so, the status of the last run, and the location of a file created by the service.

What's the best architecture for writing a service and library that can share data with another application? I'm using .net 2.0.

+1  A: 

I use WCF for that and create a contract definition for the commands/events I want to support.

Otávio Décio
Excellent answer. I should have mentioned I'm using VS .net2.0, though.
Yes, and edited the question.
+1  A: 

Options that spring to mind that I've applied in the past:

  • Save the information to a database (if you have one to hand)
  • Implement a "status monitor" type thread on the service that the client can connect to and query via TCP/IP etc.
Rowland Shaw
So why vote this down -- all approaches that could work. Sheesh. By all means vote an answer down if it's wrong, and explain why in a comment; but with no justification it just hurts the greater knowledge.
Rowland Shaw
It may have been a ninja downvote. It looks like everyone who answered this question got one. It certainly wasn't from me.
My previous company had a similar architecture for a service / UI application. Worked great.
Matt Jordan
+1  A: 

A fairly simple approach is to store that information in either a local config / text file which both apps have access to. Or even to place it in a registry key.

Chris Lively
+2  A: 

The best architecture is probably to make your service be a "server" that can report on it's status (and whatever information you want). Using WCF for this like ocdecio suggested would make it pretty simple.

Max Schmeling
+2  A: 

The way that inter-process communication happens in .net is through remoting (even if both processes are on the same machine). Other responses have suggested alternatives to inter-process communication which would not require remoting.

Ken Browning
+1  A: 

+1 for just having the service provide that (and any other data) when it is queried (simple tcp, RPC, web service, or whatever)

I'd make it pretty generic - like

QueryInfo(some identifier) with a response as some string and a return value or other indicator that the service does not know what you are talking about, cannot get the info, or give back the info
