



I am running into a situation where I need to find a better approach to deploy web applications ( to iis6..sorry ruby lovers :( and I was curious what some of you have done? I have seen products out there (Anthill?) but I am really looking for a way that my operations team can script a way to grab zip files (packaged code and assemblies), unzip, deploy to a farm. Anyone have any thoughts or solutions that they may be using?

+2  A: 

You mention a tool that Microsoft has in Beta, msdeploy.exe. Is that not a good choice for you?

On IIS6, the state of the art was adsutil.vbs, iisweb.vbs, iisback.vbs, iiscnfg.vbs, and iisext.vbs or learning an arcane script programming model for IIS.

I think msdeploy will be a large step up from wrapping those primitive utils with powershell and other scripts or batch files, with its "syncing" approach.

+1  A: 

Also from VS 2010 standpoint, MSdeploy will be integrated into IDE so that would certainly be the direction to go... Check out


Vishal R. Joshi
+1  A: 

Supposedly, MSDeploy ships with a PowerShell snapin and cmdlets... so you shouldn't have to choose.

The bad news is, I can't find that snapin on my system ;)
