



So, I need a book (I know the API-docs, but I like books I can hold on my hand and take on the bus, etc.) for ActionScript 3.0 - I already know a plethora of programming languages so no problem there, but all the books I seem to find for ActionScript 3.0 are of the sort "teach yourself ActionScript 3.0 in 24 hours" and they all begin with "this is a variable, you can think of a variable as bucket with a name that stores things".

I want an ActionScript book that is for programmers that want to learn the API + best practices.

+1  A: 

Maybe this will do the trick. Learn by example.

Although it does start with the basics, but then I've never come across a programming book that doesn't.

+5  A: 

Essential ActionScript 3.0 is a must have. Colin Moock is a great writer and his ActionScript 2.0 book helped clarify a lot of object oriented concepts and design patterns such as MVC in Flash.

I fully agree with you. This book is really great.
Sounds awesome, thanks
+7  A: 
Christophe Herreman
Seems like a good combo, will give you right answer for this.
+5  A: 

In addition to Christophe's answer, ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns is a great book that will help you understand how to solve common problems, show you different programming techniques, how to structure your code, best practices, etc.

Once you are comfortable with the books Christophe recommended, go for this. It's a-must.

The design patterns covered in the book are by no means exclusive to AS3. However, given some AS3 limitations, this is an excellent book to learn how to devise things such as an abstract class (AS3 has no support for abstract classes). Think of it as the GoF book for AS3.
+1 Agreed. With some strange overloading limitations in AS3, applying design patterns can sometimes be slightly more difficult than expected. Good to know.

Essential Actionscript 3.0 by Colin Moock, Gret book on both AS3 and OOP

also advanced actionscript 3 with design patterns by joey lott.

John Isaacks
+1  A: 

In addition to the above mentioned "Essential AS3" I also enjoyed "Object Oriented Programming in AS3" and if you are at all interested in motion design you need to get "Making Things Move" by the ever imitable Keith Peters (AKA Bit-101).

Further, to get the "on-the-bus-quick-fix", download the AS3 livedocs iPhone app by Mike Chambers.* It has actually come in handy for me a number of times when I've been teaching classes and so forth.

* See how I just assumed you have an iPhone there?


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