



I am trying to use the Extensibility Method Definitions from my datacontext.designer.cs file to do some validation.

So I created a new file and added this code:

public partial class LawEnforcementDataContext : System.Data.Linq.DataContext

    partial void InsertCourse(Course instance) // this definition copied from generated file

    partial void UpdateCourse(Course instance) // this definition copied from generated file

    private void ValidateCourse(Course instance)
        if (instance.StartDate > instance.EndDate)
            throw new ApplicationException("Start date cannot be later than end date.");

I can't compile because of these errors:

Error   1 No defining declaration found for implementing declaration of partial method 'LawEnforcementDataContext.InsertCourse(reservation.lawenforcement.Course)'
Error   2 No defining declaration found for implementing declaration of partial method 'LawEnforcementDataContext.UpdateCourse(reservation.lawenforcement.Course)'

I don't see what I am doing wrong. I have done this before. Also, after adding the above code, in code that references the classes created by the LINQ to SQL, it complains that my entity types no longer exist. It's as if the partial class LawEnforcementDataContext is completely taking over the generated code.


Here are the other halves of the partial declarations from the generated code:

    // the class
    public partial class LawEnforcementDataContext : System.Data.Linq.DataContext

    // the methods
    partial void InsertCourse(Course instance);
    partial void UpdateCourse(Course instance);

Remove the partial keyword from your methods - the generated class does not have any partial methods.

Edit: Partial methods only work when they are defined like this:

partial class Foo
    partial void foo();

partial class Foo
    partial void foo() { }

One of the declarations needs to be written like it is an abstract method or interface method declaration. If the compiler finds one partial method with an implementation and cannot find the matching partial method declaration elsewhere it generates this error.

Edit: Here is something to check - is it possible that the parameter Course is not the exact same type in one of the two declarations? In other words is it possible that something like this has happened:

partial class Foo
    partial void foo(Biz.Parameter p);

partial class Foo
    partial void foo(Baz.Parameter p) { }

namespace Baz
    class Parameter { }

namespace Biz
    class Parameter { }
Andrew Hare
I referenced many other projects where I have done the same thing I am doing here. I included the partial keyword in the past and they are all working great. When I removed the partial keyword in this example, it just brought about some more errors.
Ronnie Overby
Can you post the other halves of the partial methods from the generated file?
Andrew Hare
The first error it complains about after removing the partial keyword is: 'System.Data.Linq.DataContext' does not contain a constructor that takes '0' arguments --- Like I said, it's as if the new class is hiding the generated one.
Ronnie Overby
I have shown my declarations in an edit.
Ronnie Overby
There are no other classes with the name Course in any other namespaces.
Ronnie Overby

To clarify, it's the class that's partial, not the methods within it - the DataContext class generated by L2S is a partial class but doesn't contain any partial methods ** correction below **.

For clarification on the difference of defining and implementing partial method declarations, this might help.


Well I never - I'd not seen/used "#region Extensibility Method Definitions" methods before... you learn something every day! Anyway, the article I linked to is a useful discussion on partial methods in general, separate from L2S.

Actually in the generated code there is a region block called Extensibility Method Definitions where it defines a ton of partial methods (insert, update, delete for every table)
Ronnie Overby
Yes, thanks Ronnie - I noticed that and mentioned it in my edit yesterday, at about the same time you left this comment :)
So, ahem, any chance of a +1 for being humble admitting my error and adding a correction? Or do I get a -1 for having the temerity to ask for a +1, resulting in a zero net effect? Just wondering how things work around here!
+1 for the humble pie - Hmmmm....Pie...

That error means that the partial method your are implementing has not been defined in the LawEnforcementDataContext class.

These methods should be automatically defined when you add tables into your DataContext, look in the generated source (probably LawEnforcement.designer.cs) for a region inside the LawEnforcementDataContext class labelled #region Extensibility Method Definitions all the partial methods will be defined here. I expect the methods will be missing, try removing and re-adding the Course table in your Linq model to generate them.

No, they are all there. I copied and pasted the definition into my new file where I implemented the methods.
Ronnie Overby
+3  A: 

In order to validate fields in Linq, you need to implement the OnValidate method not the Insert & Update methods.

For example:

partial void OnValidate(System.Data.Linq.ChangeAction action)
  //All content items need titles
  if (Description == null || Description == "")
   throw new Exception("The description field is empty!");

  //Content types of image need...images
  if (ContentItemTypeId == (int)ContentItemTypes.Image && ImageData == null)
   throw new Exception("An image is required in order to save this content item!");

  //New Content Items don't have ids.  If a new one comes through, set the default values for it.
  if (this.ContentItemId == 0)
   this.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
   this.LastUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
   this.IsDeletable = true;
Good to know, but something else is devilishly wrong here.
Ronnie Overby
+2  A: 

Your two partial classes are defined in different namespaces, so the compiler does not 'share' them.

There is a setting under Properties in the DBML designer for this. Perhaps it reset?

Yes. I am an idiot.
Ronnie Overby
Same thing happened to me a month or so back :)
+1 thanks for keeping me from tearing my hair out even more.
Stephen Jennings

Ronnie, I just ran into this same issue. Caveat: Be cautious when you have multiple classes in one entity file.

Check where the partial class located: Did you accidentally put the definition inside the data context brackets like I did?
