




This question is merely to settle a wager, because I already know the answer and this seemed quicker than reading the standard:

Are 'private' or 'public' keywords in ANSI C (or any other C for that matter), or were they only added in C++ (and Java, C#, ...)?

+17  A: 

private is not a C89 or C99 keyword. See C Programming/Reference Tables on Wikibooks*.

Also, C has nothing** to do with Java and C# (and, really, not C++ either). However, the converse is not true -- C++ grew from C, for example.

* Better reference needed!
** Actually, C89 "borrowed" the const and volatile keywords from C++. Likewise, C99 "borrowed" the inline keyword, and also added _Bool and _Complex (like C++'s bool andcomplex, respectively) [citation-needed].

They are evolutions of C, and much of their syntax sprang from C.
C++ has no imaginary. but you can instead show "const" as another example where C got ideas from C++ (source: http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/rat/c5.html#3-5-3). another one is function prototypes (#3-5-4)
Johannes Schaub - litb
@litb, I don't remember The Dark Ages before C99. I'll update my answer with your information. (Sorry for the misinformation about imaginary!)
by the way, good answer. +1 :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
+2  A: 

some people do:

  • #define public
  • #define private static

but it is not a C keyword.


For those who think it is a bad idea to do that, I would agree... but it does explain why someone might think "public" or "private" were C keywords.

For those who think it won't compile in C... try this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define public
#define private static

private void sayHello(void);

public int main(void)

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

private void sayHello(void)
   printf("Hello, world\n");

For those who think it won't compile in C++, yes the above program will. (Edit) Well actually it is undefined behaviour due to this part of the C++ standard:

A translation unit that includes a header shall not contain any macros that define names declared or defined in that header. Nor shall such a translation unit define macros for names lexically identical to keywords.

So the example above and below are not required to do anything sane in C++, which is a good thing. My answer still is completely valid for C (until is is proved to be wrong! :-)

In the case of C++ a class with private members you can do a similar (abuse) like this:

#include <cstdlib>
#define private public
#include "message.hpp"

int main()
    Message msg;


    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

#ifndef MESSAGE_H
#define MESSAGE_H

#include <iostream>

class Message
    void hidden_method();

    void available_method();

inline void Message::hidden_method()
    std::cout << "this is a private method" << std::endl;

inline void Message::available_method()
    std::cout << "this is a public method" << std::endl;

They shouldn't do that.
I didn't say I supported it... some people stick their heads in ovens too... but you might see code that has done it
It wouldn't compile in C/C++.
Dan Olson
Dan, are you sure? i think it would, but it is UB (undefined behavior) as soon as you include a standard header file. so it's probably not that useful :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
@litb, It wouldn't compile in common C++ code because "private:" would be turned into ":", which would result in a syntax error. @Dan, C/C++ isn't a language. It would compile fine in C, unless you're including some C++ header (in which case guards should be in place anyway, or the user is insane).
I believe @TofuBeer was referring to code like this: public void printHelloWorld(); private int messWithGlobals_EVIL(bool areYouSerious);
static keyword doesn't share private keyword's semantics in C++. I could #define purple static and make all my methods "purple" and this would be just as useful.
Dan Olson
@Dan I don't see your point... are you saying that my code is wrong in some way (it isn't my code by the way, but I have seen it done before).
oh wait i was refering to C++ when i said "i think it would, but it is UB". well in C that of course is not UB but alright. @strager, it depends whether you actually include something that uses "public:" of course :) @tofu, so your first program is *not* required to compile.it can fail aswell in C++
Johannes Schaub - litb
@litb thanks for pointing out that from the standard... updating answer

No, C doesn't have encapsulation -- "information hiding". C++ and the other OOP languages introduced it.

"The other OOP languages" -- I doubt C++, Java, or C# introduced encapsulation. (I could be wrong, though...)
In the phrase "introduced it", aaron's 'it' refers to the keyword 'private' not the concept of encapsulation.
@joe_mucchiello, That is not clear from his statement.
aaron, C does have encapsulation, via opaque pointers and also via static globals.
C has better encapsulation than C++. Unless you use the pImpl idiom in C++, every client of an object in C++ is dependent on its full type.
Pete Kirkham
@Iraimbilanja, Very good point. @Pete, Isn't using 'plmpl' similar to creating static globals, but with types? Also, aren't all C structures the same as C++ ones (with less goodies)? In that case, your argument has no basis... I'd say encapsulation (through hiding) is equivelent in both languages.
@Iraimbilanja, opaque pointers hide information for recompiling, but they don't restrict access, and static globals are just a lexical scoping hack.
Just how do you access a member from an opaque pointer? You'd need to dereference it first, but incomplete types cannot be dereferenced. Static globals are a hack but a workable one.

The easiest way to settle this might have been to actually try using either with an ANSI/C89/C99 compiler (like gcc) :) A keyword needs no headers ;)

Tim Post
Not all of C99 is implemented in gcc, IIRC. Nor MS's compiler.
And additionally, GCC implements features not in the standard. You'd have to use -std=c89 (or -std=c99) and -pedantic.
Jonathan Leffler
"It compiles" or "it doesn't compile" have nothing at all to do with whether something is part of a programming-language standard.
Kristopher Johnson
@Kristopher Johnson: How people actually ___use___ the language is equally irrelevant?
Tim Post