



Is there any open source Flickr-like application? I want something like photo-sharing open source implementation that I can use.

+1  A: 

Do you mean something like an API? In that case, maybe you need to check this

As you notice on the website, it all works with XML, so doesn't matter what programming language you use (as far as I know, almost all of them support XML)

Nope.. what I mean is an open source Flickr like apps
Ngu Soon Hui
+1  A: 

Have you checked 4images ?


Did you find anything?

Unfortunately, no...
Ngu Soon Hui

Have you looked at the open source social photo web gallery

With phtagr you can organize, enrich and share your photos and videos with your community. Photos can be tagged with keywords, categories, location and geo location. These tags could be search and combined and also exclusion of tags works. Enjoy your current selection using the build-in slideshow!

You can also use phTagr to organize your photos - all tags are written to the photos using the standardized EXIF and IPTC JPEG header. So your work is never lost again!

You can choose what other users can do with your photos. If they can tag or download the raw file - it is always your decision.

Users can write comments and are notified via email on updates. Also user registration with an initial upload quota is supported. Be updated via RSS, MediaRSS or RSS of recent comments.

phTagr requires PHP5, MySQL, and ImageMagick or GD. Have a look at the project page.

