




Having experienced the horror that is Oracle Pro*C, when dealing with dynamically specified columns, and the need for bulk operations (ANSI METHOD 4), I simply must ask:

What Ideas/Techniques can you share which makes it easier to develop/test/debug/maintain C and C++ CRUD applications which use Pro*C or Pro*C++? I am specifically interested in the Pro*C aspects.

+1  A: 
  • Pull as much of the Oracle stuff out of the C code as you can and stick it in database PL/SQL packages/procedures/functions.
  • Isolate (to the extent possible) the Oracle functionality in your C code. The less scattered your oracle calls are around your C code the better. Even better, have a library/DLL that contains the Oracle-specific stuff.

Oh, and don't forget to sacrifice a goat on the altar at midnight...

Does it have to be an unblemished goat?
the goat just needs to be bound at runtime to avoid overloading the shared pool :)
Jeffrey Kemp