I wanted to try and learn lisp, but I very quickly gave up. I figured I'd try again. I'm looking at Problem 2 on Project Euler - finding the sum of all the even Fibbonacci numbers under 4 Million.
I wrote the following code which works, but is all kinds of ugly. Chief among them is the fact that it's so slow - because it's doing naive recursion all the time.
When I wrote this program in python I built up a list as I calculated and never recalculated numbers. I know I could do that here (somehow) but that doesn't seem to be true to the spirit of lisp, of functional programming. I gave up after #3, when I hit a recursion depth limit and had to rewrite my code to use a loop instead of recursion.
So I suppose my questions are:
- What's the 'right, lispy way' to solve this problem?
- How do you reconcile recursion and the notion of 'just calculating everything' with the practical limit of calculating everything?
- Any recommendations for learning lisp besides The Little Schemer, and Project Euler?
And here's my code:
(defun fib(i)
(if (= i 1) ;//Could rewrite this as a case statement
(if (= i 2)
(+ (fib (- i 1)) (fib (- i 2)))
(defun solve(i)
(let ((f (fib i))) ;//Store result in local variable
(print f) ;//For debugging
(if (< 4000000 f)
0 ;//return
(if (= 0 (mod f 2))
(+ f (solve (+ i 1))) ;//add number
(solve (+ i 1)) ;//Don't
(print (solve 1))