- My users uploads a picture and the picture get saved into my SQl Server Database
- My users view the picture on the page in a normal Image WebControl with size 150px by 150px - example can be found http://www.erate.co.za/CompanyProfile.aspx?ID=112 - the USA flag is the Image i am talking about.
If the user uploads a picture of 300px by 200px the image will look funny in my static 150px by 150px Image box. Any idea how i can display the Image so it wont be fuzzy?
Also, how can a have some form of pop-up that will appear on the screen, showing the actual size of the picture from the database when the user clicks on the 150px by 150px Image.
Note: I dont want the Image static size to increase as this will totally mess up my page layout and look. It must be some form of pop-up or something. Something i have seen before i think was really cool. User clicked on the small image and then a pop-up appeared in the middle of the screen with the actual size of the picure and everything ells on the page was disabled until the user clicked on the close button. Can this be done in ASP.NET 2.0? Or something like it?
Regards Etienne