



Is there any way to find out if an Assembly has been compiled with the TRACE or DEBUG flag set without modifying the assembly.

static bool IsDebug(){
 bool rv = false;
 #if DEBUG
 rv = true;
 return rv;
Well thanks, but I am looking for a way to find out without modifying the assembly. I want to instpect an already compiled assembly preferably with some command line tool.
+1  A: 

There is probably no generic way. However, you could look for references to Assert and Debug from the System.Diagnostics namespace. Presence of those will indicate that the DEBUG flag was set.

The same holds for Trace and the TRACE flag.

Obviously this won't work if the source code does not use types from these namespaces.

+1  A: 

How to Programmatically Detect if an Assembly is Compiled in Debug or Release mode from Scott Hanselman.

+2  A: 

Direct link to an IsDebug tool, along with usage instructions.

Graeme Bradbury
+2  A: 

The only best way to do is check the compiled assemblies itself. There is this very useful tool called '.NET Assembly Information' found here by Rotem Bloom. After you install this it asociates .dll files to open with itself. After installing you can just double-click on the Assembly to open with it and it will give you the assembly details as displayed in the screenshop below. There you can identify if it's debug compiled or not.

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this. __curious_geek