




How I can use WCF to communicate to old school WSE 2.0 web services?


First, in my opinion, both WSE 2.0 and WSE 3.0 are obsolete, not "old school".

Second, you "just do it". Add a service reference and call through the proxy class. If everything is configured properly, it should just work. The exception would be if the old WSE code did something non standard. That is, if it did something that did not become part of the standard, but was supported in WSE.

John Saunders
Is this true? Looking at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff650778.aspx it states that WCF and WSE 3.0 interoperate, however "WSE 3.0-enabled applications do not interoperate with WSE 2.0-enabled applications". It doesn't explicitly cover WCF -> WSE 2.0 but I assume that is covered by the combination of the previous statements
Kris C
Is what true? WSE 2.0 code is likely to not work with WCF to the extent it uses parts of the pre-standard that did not get into the standard.
John Saunders