




Need to convert Hex to a Decimal in VB.Net. Found several examples in C#, but when I tried to convert to VB.Net I was not successful. Here is an example of a hexidecimal number that I am trying to convert "A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E".




Write one yourself.

You will need to tokenize the string, then start from the right, and work your way left.

int weight = 1;
While Looping

  If (token(i) == "F") { DecimalValue += 15 * weight; }
  If (token(i) == "E") { DecimalValue += 14 * weight; }
  If (token(i) == "D") { DecimalValue += 13 * weight; }
  If (token(i) == "C") { DecimalValue += 12 * weight; }
  If (token(i) == "B") { DecimalValue += 11 * weight; }
  If (token(i) == "A") { DecimalValue += 10 * weight; }
  else { DecimalValue += token(i) * weight; }

  weight = weight * 10;

Something like that.

Shouldn't the weight increase with a factor 16 for each digit?
 Dim hex As String
 hex = "A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E"

 Dim dec As Long
 Dim hexpart As String
 For x As Integer = 1 To (hex.Length / 2)

  hexpart = hex.Substring((x * 2) - 2, 2)
  dec = Int32.Parse(hexpart, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)

  Debug.Print("Hex = " + hex + ",HexPart = " + hexpart + ", Dec = " + dec.ToString + Environment.NewLine)

This won't work for Decimal and the Hex is too long for integer... but you get the idea. You could split it and recombine.

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = A1, Dec = 161

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 41, Dec = 65

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 52, Dec = 82

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 46, Dec = 70

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 4C, Dec = 76

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 20, Dec = 32

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 32, Dec = 50

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 30, Dec = 48

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 30, Dec = 48

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 42, Dec = 66

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 32, Dec = 50

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 32, Dec = 50

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 30, Dec = 48

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 20, Dec = 32

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 57, Dec = 87

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 2F, Dec = 47

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 54, Dec = 84

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 49, Dec = 73

Hex = A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E,HexPart = 47, Dec = 71

+2  A: 

That is a 24-byte (192-bit) number; what value are you expecting?

Note that you can use Convert to do a lot of the grungy work here - for example (in C#):

    string hex = "A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E";
    byte[] raw = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
    for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length ; i++)
        raw[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2,2), 16);

How you get from raw to a number depends on what you think the number is...

VB translation courtesy of reflector (although the "-1" looks odd):

Dim hex As String = "A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E"
Dim raw As Byte() = New Byte((hex.Length / 2)  - 1) {}
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To raw.Length - 1
    raw(i) = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring((i * 2), 2), &H10)
Next i
Marc Gravell
I do not know what the number should be. Lockhead Martin just started shipping this data and they have not finished the documentation. We kind of in a discovery mode at this time. Should I just sum up the Raw(i) values to get the numeric?
No; that would be bad... the problem is: what to do with 192 bits? that could be 3 longs (Int64), 6 ints (Int32), 2 decimals, one BigInteger, etc... but is it big-endian, little-endian, etc... decoding binary needs a *little* bit of knowledge about the source.
Marc Gravell
The -1 is correct, VB array declaration syntax gives the upper bound of the array whereas C# gives the number of items in the array. Since the array is zero based the upper bound is one less than the number of items.

This will convert your string into an array of bytes:

Dim hex As String = "A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E"

Dim len As Integer = hex.Length \ 2
Dim data(len - 1) As Byte
For i As Integer = 0 to len - 1
   data(i) = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16)
Private Function toByte(ByVal Shex As String) As List(Of Byte)
    Const cvtCH As Integer = 2
    Dim retval As New List(Of Byte)
    Dim rmndr As Integer
    rmndr = Shex.Length Mod cvtCH
    If rmndr <> 0 Then Shex = Shex.PadLeft(Shex.Length + cvtCH - rmndr, "0"c)
    For x As Integer = 0 To Shex.Length - 1 Step cvtCH
        retval.Add(Convert.ToByte(Shex.Substring(x, cvtCH), 16))
    Return retval
End Function
Private Function toU32(ByVal Shex As String) As List(Of UInt32)
    Const cvtCH As Integer = 8
    Dim retval As New List(Of UInt32)
    Dim rmndr As Integer
    rmndr = Shex.Length Mod cvtCH
    If rmndr <> 0 Then Shex = Shex.PadLeft(Shex.Length + cvtCH - rmndr, "0"c)
    For x As Integer = 0 To Shex.Length - 1 Step cvtCH
        retval.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(Shex.Substring(x, cvtCH), 16))
    Return retval
End Function
Private Function toU64(ByVal Shex As String) As List(Of UInt64)
    Const cvtCH As Integer = 16
    Dim retval As New List(Of UInt64)
    Dim rmndr As Integer
    rmndr = Shex.Length Mod cvtCH
    If rmndr <> 0 Then Shex = Shex.PadLeft(Shex.Length + cvtCH - rmndr, "0"c)
    For x As Integer = 0 To Shex.Length - 1 Step cvtCH
        retval.Add(Convert.ToUInt64(Shex.Substring(x, cvtCH), 16))
    Return retval
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    'unsigned 32 bit max = FFFFFFFF
    'unsigned 64 bit max = FFFFFFFF
    'signed 32 bit max = 7FFFFFFF
    'signed 64 bit max = 7FFFFFFF
    Dim hexS As String = "A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E"
    Dim hexS2 As String = "A14152464C203230304232323020572F54494745523435"
End Sub

For hex values which don't actually require a bignum class to work with, you can use the normal conversion function but prefix the number with "&H". VB interprets "&H" in the text as meaning "this is a hex number", just like it does in code.

dim n = Cint("&H" & text)