



Has anybody used C# to write a sample screen scraper for IBM as400?


I wrote one in C many years ago for a project at Frigidaire. The internal card would cause all sorts of fun with memory leaks but I eventually found a solution by allocating arrays at the boundary of the communication card. This was over 8 years ago, I'm sure today's cards are much better and/or using native comm to read the AS400 screens.


You might want to look at the new features in PHP. The latest version of PHP has a 5250 processor that allows you to create a webapp that acts like it is interacting with the green-screen. 5250 Bridge Info

I realize that you wanted C#, but I haven't seen anything supported that directly interacts with the screens. Maybe write a PHP app to connect to the 5250 and connect your C# from there.

Mike Wills
+3  A:

I've modified this example and it works just fine.
