I've been giving a talk recently on a plethora of Open Source (some are borderline open-source, I'll admit) debugging tools and the audiences have been making great additions to my list.
I'd like to gather the knowledge (and give credit) to the oft-brilliant StackOverflow crowd on this same question.
There are no WebService/Java/.Net/HTML/Perl constraints of programming languages to this question. So far, I've been pontificating about:
- fs_usage for finding what keeps writing to disk so much
- lsof for debugging what ports or files are open
- tcpdump, wireshark, eavesdrop for looking at your network traffic (malformed data?)
- firebug for debugging css, javascript, and page loading issues
- SoapUI, poster, and for troubleshooting SOAP and RESTful web services
- Eclipse Memory Analyzer and VisualVM for Java memory usage and GC issues
- BTrace for instrumenting Java code already deployed to production servers
- curl for looking at raw HTML, sans browser redirects, and test-calling web services
- JMeter for load testing webapps and other supported components that fail under stress
What Open Source tools can you add to the list?