
Have a look to the commands used by Sandcastle Help File Builder and copy them to you build process.

Fabian Vilers
+2  A: 

I have an MSBuild Target that builds my documentation in my build-script.

This target uses Sandcastle Helpfile Builder.

It is done like this:

<Target name="builddoc" DependsOnTargets="buildall">

      <Assemblies Include="-assembly=$(outputdir)\myassembly.dll" />
      <Assemblies Include="-assembly=$(outputdir)\anotherassembly.dll" />

   <Exec Command="$(double_quote)$(SandcastleHFBCmd)$(double_quote) sandcastleproj.shfb$(double_quote) @(assemblies, ' ') outputpath=$(outdir)
Frederik Gheysels
+1  A: 

Take a look at docproject that's what we use to build help files from within our TFS build scripts.
