



Sometimes I'm solving problems on Almost all problems are solvable with programs, but these tasks are more mathematical than programmatical.

Maybe someone knows similar sites with:

  • design tasks,
  • architecture tasks,
  • something like "find most elegant C++ solution"?
+7  A: 

I had a great time doing the Python Challenge! I learned Python to solve these challenges, I never regretted it.

Martin Cote
+4  A: 

It's a lot easier to create a web site where your score is based on whether the integer result you give is the correct one, than it is to create a web site which measures design, architecture or elegance.

Pete Kirkham
why does it need to measure score at all though?
why does stackoverflow measure reputation? it's part of the 'game' the users of the site play, which makes projecteuler different from other puzzle sites. The question was sites like pe but with design rather than puzzle questions.
Pete Kirkham
+22  A: 

I keep a few bookmarked along with Project Euler.


I've collected these and links to several other puzzle sites in a blog post: Programming and Logic Puzzles.

Bill the Lizard
The link to Mind Cipher is incorrect.
@jcyang: Looks like they're at the .net TLD, not .com. I had this bookmarked elsewhere under the .com TLD also, so I'm not sure if they were redirecting and let the .com slip or what. Thanks for pointing it out.
Bill the Lizard
+9  A: 

It hadn't an update for some time, but might still be interesting: CodeKata

+1. Working through CodeKata is a great way to learn a new language or keep your skills fresh in one you already know.
+14  A: 

Google Code Jam

Can Berk Güder
+1 and bookmarked. :)
Bill the Lizard
+7  A: 

I prefer real-world sites like StackOverflow. The problems are more varied and a closer match for something you may actually encounter on the job, and not only do you grow your own skills you help others at the same time.

Joel Coehoorn
nice site:) but, i like read hard problem and thinking on this long time (about week). StackOverflow is most live and agile place for solve hard problem. But anyway good place for self-upskilling.
I learned how to work with OpenGL and OpenSSL so I could answer questions on here..
Brendan Long
+7  A: 

Here is a fresh one:

+7  A: 

This here is a good one: The performance in the code becomes important too.

+3  A: 

Newbie-friendly and just for fun: CodingBat.

+3  A: 

Try2Hack was one of the greatest websites back in the day. I'm not sure if it's the same now (it's been around 10 years I think since I've visited it) but it was great fun at the time.

Noon Silk
+3  A: 

Try CodeChef

+2  A: 

For elegant solutions, RefactorMyCode might be useful.

seems like alot of the "refactorings" are just "answers", similiar in some ways to SO.
Anonymous Type
+1  A: 

If you have a Facebook account, try facebook puzzles for more than a dozen or so programming problems.
