When pressed Once,i want to make the Grid view Button(Time In) invisible until the User press Time Out Button. Once the user press the Time Out Button,Time in Button must be shown
When pressed Once,i want to make the Grid view Button(Time In) invisible until the User press Time Out Button. Once the user press the Time Out Button,Time in Button must be shown
Have you looked at NServiceBus? Here's an introduction to it. http://www.udidahan.com/2009/02/07/nservicebus-19/
Just use the .Visible property on the buttons. For example:
btnTimeOut.Visible = False 'This will hide it
btnTimeOut.Visible = True ' ... and this will show it
To implement your solution, I'm assuming you've got two separate event handlers for each of your buttons. What you'd want to do is something like this:
Sub btnTimeIn_Click(o as Object, e as EventArgs)
'Hide the button now it has been clicked
Me.btnTimeIn.Visible = False
'Do some other stuff, such as record the Time In here...
End Sub
And then:
Sub btnTimeOut_Click(o as Object, e as EventArgs)
'Show the TimeIn button again
Me.btnTimeIn.Visible = True
'Record the time out etc...
End Sub
You can use the Load or Init events of the form to initialise the state of the buttons, i.e:
If Not Page.IsPostBack
End If
Private Sub InitialiseButtons()
Me.btnTimeIn.Visible = True
Me.btnTimeOut.Visible = False
End Sub
The "If Not Page.IsPostBack" property will stop your form being accidentally reset when the user clicks on one of your buttons after the initial load.
Hope this helps, feel free to pop any questions back up here.