



How can I detect a Scrollbar presence ( using Javascript ) in HTML iFrame ?

I have already tried :

        var vHeight = 0;
     if (document.all) {
       if (document.documentElement) {
         vHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
       } else {
         vHeight = document.body.clientHeight
 } else {
   vHeight = window.innerHeight;

 if (document.body.offsetHeight > vHeight) {
   //when theres a scrollbar
   //when theres not a scrollbar

And I also had tried :

 if (this.scrollLeft>0) {
  //when theres a scrollbar
  //when theres not a scrollbar
  return false;

With no success..

I have searched the javascript objets on DOM Inspector, but didn't find anything.

Is is possible to detect a scrollbar presence in a iframe in javacscript ?

+1  A: 

In jQuery you can compare the document height, the scrollTop position and the viewport height, which might get you the answer you require.

Something along the lines of:

    //There is a scroll bar here!

function isMyStuffScrolling() {
  var docHeight = $(document).height();
  var scroll    = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop();
  return (docHeight == scroll);
Jon Winstanley
Thank you for your answer, but your code only tests when I try to move the scrollbar. I want a to test it on page load.
Code Burn
+1  A: 

I do not think this can be done if the iframe content comes from another domain due to JavaScript security limitations.

EDIT: In that case, something along the lines of giving the iframe a name='someframe' and id='someframe2' and then comparing frames['someframe'].document.body.offsetWidth with document.getElementById('someframe2').offsetWidth should give you the answer.

mike nvck
The iframe content comes from the same domain.
Code Burn

The iframe content comes from the same domain.

No success until now..

Code Burn
+1  A: 
var root= document.compatMode=='BackCompat'? document.body : document.documentElement;
var isVerticalScrollbar= root.scrollHeight>root.clientHeight;
var isHorizontalScrollbar= root.scrollWidth>root.clientWidth;

This detects whether there is a need for a scrollbar. For the default of iframes this is the same as whether there is a scrollbar, but if scrollbars are forced on or off (using the ‘scrolling="yes"/"no"’ attribute in the parent document, or CSS ‘overflow: scroll/hidden’ in the iframe document) then this may differ.


I think your second attempt is on the right track. Except instead of this, you should try scrolling/checking document.body.

//not scrolling

function isMyStuffScrolling() {
  var docHeight = $(document).height();
  var scroll    = $(window).height() ;//+ $(window).scrollTop();
  if(docHeight > scroll) return true;
  else return false;

improved-changed a bit from Jon`s Winstanley code
