



I have a mirror of a RedHat6 LAMP server setup locally on my development machine (XP pro) for testing.

I am trying to configure it so I can connect to it. However I am having problems.

I've given the image a static IP address of The httpd service is running, and when in RH6 I can view the apache test page by visiting

I can also successfully ping the virtualpc from the windows cmd line. However when I try to visit the test page from Windows it eventually times out.

I have tried Shared Network, local only and the physical adapter in the VirtualPC settings. Only the physical adaptor will allow me to ping the virtual pc.

What do I need to do to be able to use it successfully as a test server?

NOTE: I can't replace RH6 with <insert-your-favourite-distro-here>, though if you can demonstrate a benefit switching from VirtualPC then I might do so.

+1  A: 

Does your browser in windows use a proxy server? If so, make sure that is in the exclusions list.

According to Firefox it says I am not using a proxy server.
+2  A: 

Maybe you need to open up port 80 through the firewall in RH6. I don't have RH6 running infront of me but I think it's in the menus in System Settings -> Security or something.

That was it! Feel so stupid now.