You can draw one yourself by using methods of the System.Drawing.Graphics object. That can be done directly in the form's OnPaint override/event or encapsulated in a separate component/control.
Public Class Form1
Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateControl()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
With e.Graphics
.DrawLines(SystemPens.WindowText, New Point() { _
New Point(60, 0), _
New Point(60, ClientRectangle.Bottom - 60), _
New Point(ClientRectangle.Right, ClientRectangle.Bottom - 60)})
For y = 0 To 100 Step 15
Dim wid = e.Graphics.MeasureString(y.ToString, Font).Width
.DrawString(y.ToString, Font, SystemBrushes.WindowText, 60 - wid, CSng(ClientRectangle.Bottom - 60 - (y * (ClientRectangle.Size.Height - 60) / 100)))
Dim sf As New System.Drawing.StringFormat(System.Drawing.StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical)
For x = 0 To 5
Dim dateStr = DateTime.Today.AddDays(x).ToShortDateString()
Dim xCoord As Integer = CInt(60 + (ClientSize.Width - 60) * (x + 0.5) / 6)
Dim yBottom As Integer = ClientRectangle.Bottom - 60
.DrawString(dateStr, Font, SystemBrushes.WindowText, xCoord, yBottom, sf)
Dim yTop As Integer = CInt(yBottom - (CInt(Date.Today.AddDays(x).DayOfWeek) + 2) * (ClientSize.Height - 60) / 10)
Dim bar As Rectangle = New Rectangle(xCoord, yTop, 18, yBottom - yTop)
.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightBlue, bar)
.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowText, System.Drawing.Rectangle.Round(bar))
End With
End Sub
End Class