



We're using Pingdom to monitor our site availability and it's working well. Is there a similar service to monitor website latency? We want to make sure the site not only returns, but is running at a reasonable speed.

We've made some internal test pages for monitoring, etc. but it'd be nice to have an external service to verify (especially to measure the 'total' time from an external network).

Does anyone have a recommendation for an online service to measure website response time and send alerts if it is running slowly?

+1  A: 

I believe echoping does what you are asking for. It is not an online service, but you could write a script to run echoping and email you some results.

Kevin Crowell
This script already exists: Smokeping
+1  A: 

AlertSite seems to do well.

+1  A: 

I have used Gomez for this and been very happy with the results.

Rob Di Marco
Great, thanks for the find!