



There seem to be a lot of issues on SO dealing with MapRoute problems. I've read through a bunch of them, but I can't see what I'm doing wrong in my implementation. I've got the following routes set up:

routes.MapRoute( _
    "FilesDisplay", _
    "{controller}/{action}/{year}/{month}", _
    New With {.controller = "Files", .action = "Display", .year = "", .month = ""})

routes.MapRoute( _
    "Default", _
    "{controller}/{action}", _
    New With {.controller = "Files", .action = "Index"})

and the following RouteLink:

<%=Html.RouteLink("Show", "FilesDisplay", New With {.year = 2008, .month = 5})%>

However, the resulting URL for "Show" is /Files/Index/2008/5. Why is it picking up the Index action instead of the Display action?

Edit: As a lark I changed the second route to .action = "Display" just to see if I could get the URL to change, and it still resolves to /Files/Index/2008/5.

Edit 2: I also tried:

<%=Html.ActionLink("Show", "Display", "Files", New With {.year = 2008, .month = 5}, Nothing)%>

but that also resolves to /Files/Index/2008/5. Why is it that no matter what I specify for an action it's defaulting to Index?


Upgrading to MVC RC 1.0 seemed to fix ActionLink but not RouteLink. Therefore I'm moving forward with ActionLink. I'd love to know why RouteLink doesn't want to work though.
