



In this example I am striping with code before passing in to the template, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some already built-in stringtemplate functionality.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Antlr.StringTemplate;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace Tests
    public class RandomTests
     public void has_a_table()
      var users = new[] {
       new { LastName = "Doe", FirstName = "John", Age = 30 },
       new { LastName = "Smith", FirstName = "Bob", Age = 28 }

      var columns = new[] {
       new { Template = "$it.LastName$", Head = "Last Name" },
       new { Template = "$it.FirstName$", Head = "First Name" }

      var tableTemplate = @"
      <th scope=""col"">Index</th>
      $columns: { column |<th scope=""col"">$colum n.Head$</th>}$
     $items:{ item |<tr$if(item.Stripe)$ class=""alt""$endif$><td>$i$</td>$item.Item:row()$</tr>}$
      var rowTemplate = string.Join
       (from column in columns
        "<td>" + column.Template + "</td>"

      var templates = new StringTemplateGroup("table-templator");

      templates.DefineTemplate("table", tableTemplate);
      templates.DefineTemplate("row", rowTemplate);

      var template = templates.GetInstanceOf("table");

      var items = users
       .Select((item, index) => new { Stripe = index % 2 == 0, Item = item })

      template.SetAttribute("columns", columns);
      template.SetAttribute("items", items);

      var actual = template.ToString();

+3  A: 

I'm not an expert with StringTemplate, but I found a thread on the mailing list that seems to provide a simpler solution that what you have now.

Hao Lian
You are my hero, thanks!