This is not academic code or a hypothetical quesiton. The original problem was converting code from HP11 to HP1123 Itanium. Basically it boils down to a compile error on HP1123 Itanium. It has me really scratching my head when reproducing it on Windows for study. I have stripped all but the most basic aspects... You may have to press control D to exit a console window if you run it as is:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
char blah[6];
const int IAMCONST = 3;
int *pTOCONST;
(*pTOCONST) = 7;
printf("IAMCONST %d \n",IAMCONST);
printf("WHATISPOINTEDAT %d \n",(*pTOCONST));
printf("Address of IAMCONST %x pTOCONST %x\n",&IAMCONST, (pTOCONST));
cin >> blah;
return 0;
Here is the output
Address of IAMCONST 35f9f0 pTOCONST 35f9f0
All I can say is what the heck? Is it undefined to do this? It is the most counterintuitive thing I have seen for such a simple example.
Indeed after searching for a while the Menu Debug >> Windows >> Disassembly had exactly the optimization that was described below.
printf("IAMCONST %d \n",IAMCONST);
0024360E mov esi,esp
00243610 push 3
00243612 push offset string "IAMCONST %d \n" (2458D0h)
00243617 call dword ptr [__imp__printf (248338h)]
0024361D add esp,8
00243620 cmp esi,esp
00243622 call @ILT+325(__RTC_CheckEsp) (24114Ah)
Thank you all!